u r b a n
티 와 이 피
도 시 건 축
주바티칸 한국대사관저 리노베이션
Renovation for Residence of Korean Ambassador to The Holy See
Marble and wood as natural material are general and basic, but are special for spaces at the same time. In terms of physical characters they are allocated in opposit side: strong and weak. However, the sensation of materials can be similiar: delicate, fragile.
In case of marble it is physically strong as a stone material but has shiny, reflection at the same time, such as glasses which is very delicate material. On the other hand wood is not so strong material, respecting of marble, but it has been used to make our living space for a long time like marble. So it can be long and strong material emotionally. Hence, they are same and different at the same time in terms of meaning of material.
These attractive character of material have been applied for our living space in a different way. In the renovation of Villa d’Ambascita these two basic materials are mainly used in a way of their characteristic aspects that two different character of materials decorates with harmony dealing with different character of spaces.
It is divided in two different floors like classic villa. First floor is used representative space, while second floor is for the residence of ambassador.
Flooring in first level is applied in three different marble material. Each space is geometrically designed in a early-renaissance style. The green guatemala strips in border make the different main spaces be together. In second floor wood flooring is applied. Corridor and living room stress out with mosaic design. It is also designed geometrically in order to follow the design order in first floor. The composit of wood pieces is used in italian traditional style, called ‘Spina di Pesce’.
Material Spaces
Korean Embassy to The Holy See(MOFAT)
Rome, Italy
Program: Interior, House
Yeol Park