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competition | 3rd prize
완도 중앙마을 도시재생사업 설계공모
Community Center for Wando Jungang Village Urban Regeneration
Wando, South Korea


competition | 3rd prize
양서면 신청사
Yangseo-Myeon District Office
Gapyeong, South Korea

진주동부시립도서관 건립 국제설계공모
International Design Competition of Jinju City Public Eastern Library
Jinju, South Korea


int.competition | 4th prize
청주시청사 건립 국제설계공모 2단계 국제지명초청공모
International Competition for Cheongju New City Hall, S. Korea- Phase II
Cheongju, South Korea

int.competition | winner
청주시청사 건립 국제설계공모 1단계 국제지명초청공모
International Competition for Cheongju New City Hall, S. Korea- Phase I
Cheongju, South Korea


competition | 3rd prize
경기도시공사 융복합센터 설계공모
GICO Convergence Center 
Suwon, South Korea


competition | 2nd prize
수영구 도서관 현상설계
Suyeong-gu Public Library
Busan, South Korea

commissioned | under construction
파타야 G-House
Pattaya G-House
Pattaya, Thailand

충청남도 도립도서관
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Library
Naepo New City, South Korea


​int.competition | 1st prize | under construction
세운상가군 재생사업 공공공간 국제지명현상설계(삼풍상가-남산순환로 구간)
Re-Structuring Sewoonsangga Citywalk (between Sampoongsangga - Namsansunhwanro)
Seoul, South Korea

competition | 2nd prize
세종시립도서관 건립 설계공모
Sejong Municipal Public Library
Sejong City, South Korea


​competition | 3rd prize
마곡산업단지 공공산업지원시설 건립공사
Engineering Service for Public Industry Support Facilities Magok Industrial Park
Seoul, South Korea

광운대학교 비타민센터-광운캠퍼스타운사업
Kwangwoon Mitamin Center-Campus Town of Kwangwoon Univ.
Seoul, South Korea

세종시 박물관단지 1차 마스터플랜 국제공모
National Museum Complex Master Plan of Administrative City
Sejong, South Korea

효창동 주택 리모델링
Remodeling Hyochang House
Seoul, South Korea

competition | 1st prize | under construction
세종시 복합편의시설 현상설계
Sejong Clover Complex Convenient Facilities
Sejong, South Korea


int.competition | entry
세운상가 활성화를 위한 공공공간 설계 국제공모
International Competition For Re-structuring Seunsangga Citywalk
Seoul, South Korea


세종시 정부청사 3-1구역
3 District 1 of Government Office
Sejong, South Korea

int.competition | 1st prize | under construction
행정중심복합도시 1-5생활권 C32 복합상업시설
Commercial Complex for C32 District 1-5, Multifunctional Administrative City
Sejong, South Korea

competition | entry
한국농어촌공사 국제훈련센터 신축설계
International Training Center for Korea Rural Community Corporation 
Ansan, South Korea

competition | 1st prize
충청남도 도립도서관
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Library
Naepo New City, South Korea

competition | entry
오이도 역사전시관 및 전망대 건립사업
Oido Historical Museum & Observatory
Siheung, South Korea


세종시 L 주택
Sejong, South Korea

도예가의 집
Ceramist's House
Ilsan, South Korea

competition | entry
분당복합화력 종합사옥 신축계획
Headquarters for Bundang Combined Cycle Power Plant
Bundang, South Korea


competition | entry
디자인연구소 건립 현상설계
Design R&D Center
Yangsan, South Korea

competition | 2nd prize
상지대학교 대학생 공공기숙사
Dormitory for Student of Sangji University
Wonju, South Korea

competition | entry
Preservation Center for the Members of Korea Traditional Architecture
Paju, South Korea

competition | entry
판교테크노밸리 산학연 R&D센터
R&D Center for Industry-University in Pangyo Techno-valley
Pangyo, South Korea

competition | 1st prize
KGC 원주공장 리노베이션
Renovation for Wonju Factory of KGC(Korea Ginseng Corporation)
Wonju, South Korea

competition | 1st prize - completed
LH본사 신사옥 설계공모
New Headquarters for LH(Korea Land & Housing Corporation)
Jinju, South Korea


competition | 1st prize - completed
공무원연금공단본부 제주 신사옥
New Headquarters in Geju for GEPS(Government Employee Pension Service)
jeju, South Korea

competition | 1st prize - completed
사립학교교직원 연금공단 사옥
Headquarters for Korea Teachers' Pension
Naju, South Korea


competition | 2nd prize
한국전력공사 김천사옥
Kimcheon Headquarters for KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation)
Kimcheon, South Korea

int.competition | shortlist
Bridge Museum
Bridge Museum
Seoul, South Korea


주바티칸 한국대사관저 리노베이션
Renovation for Residence of Korean Ambassador to The Holy See
Rome, Italy

Renovation of Shoes Shop - Rinnovamento del Negozio di Scarpe
Rome, Italy

Renovation of Japanese Restaurant
Rome, Italy


지하철 게이트
Gate Design for Tube Station
Torino, Italy

int.competition | bronze prize
Dancing Water
Floating Mobile Architecture
Seoul, South Korea

Floating Mobile Architecture
New Style of Living - Living on the Water
Lusatian, Germany

Lilly-Pad in Cyprus
Floating Sport Complex
Cyprus, Cyprus

Micro Kit
A House for All: an emergency accommodation module

Incheon Chungna City Tower
Observatory Complex Tower
Incheon, South Korea
Anchor 1
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