u r b a n
티 와 이 피
도 시 건 축
int.competition | 1st prize - under construction
세운상가군 재생사업 공공공간 ; 삼풍상가-남산순환로 구간
Re-Structuring Sewoonsangga Citywalk between Sampoongsangga - Namsansunhwanro
A City Open Platform
Pontevecchio Bridge in Florence is one of the best example of a successfully infrastructure able to support the transformation of a city. From a simple bridge in the middle age, Pontevecchio took influence from many modifications of the surroundings till its actual appearance with a continuous process of trasformation of functions and physical systems.
As a city in continuous transformation, Seoul need to change the essence of its many public infrastructural systems. The Sewoonsangga citywalk is one of this infrastructural systems, actually located in a area which is under a transformation process. The quality of a such infrastructural system is based on its capacity to be transformed and to follow and in the same time to activate the continuous changes of its surroundings. At the moment part of the citywalk is interrupted, functions are not able to bring quality to the public areas and there is a deep disconnection of the Sewoonsangga complex different levels.
We need to modify the citywalk to let become it a flexible infrastructure, able to change its behaviour based on the different time needs.
Re-Structuring Sewoonsangga Citywalk between Sampoongsangga-Namsansunhwanro
1st prize
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Seoul, South Korea
Program: Public Spcae, Culture
Design Team:
Competition phase: modostudio (Fabio Cibinel, Roberto Laurenti, Giorgio Martocchia, Daria Fimmanò, Giulia Mangiola, Vera Rispoli); Design phase: modostudio (Fabio Cibinel, Roberto Laurenti, Giorgio Martocchia, Daria Fimmanò, Giulia Mangiola) + Prof. Arch. Yeol Park + Tomoon architects